NCSE featured in Youth Today article on climate change education

Andy Epton and David Amidon

NCSE Teacher Ambassadors Andy Epton, left, and David Amidon.

Two NCSE Teacher Ambassadors and NCSE's Deputy Director Glenn Branch were featured in "After a win for U.S. climate change education, classroom implementation is off to a slow start," published in Youth Today (June 22, 2022).

"When he was hired 10 years ago to teach earth science in Virginia, Andy Epton had to create lessons on climate change from scratch," the article begins. Epton had learned "almost nothing about climate change" in his college studies, and Branch cited the 2014-2015 NCSE/Penn State national survey (PDF) of climate change educators as evidence that he was not alone. Similarly, David Amidon commented, "I didn't get a lot of that in college," and consequently depended on reliable online resources on climate science, especially Skeptical Science. Both Epton and Amidon, who now emphasize climate change in their science classrooms, helped craft NCSE’s freely available model climate change lesson plans.

Youth Today is published by the Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University, which seeks to produce financially sustainable, high quality, and ethically sound journalism.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.