Science Is Constantly Evolving

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NCSE's executive director Ann Reid was featured in the Durango Herald's story (December 11, 2019) on climate change education in the public schools of Durango, Colorado. "Despite the virtually unanimous agreement in the scientific community that the planet is warming at an unprecedented…
Looking at the description of Climate Parents on the website of its parent organization, the Sierra Club, you would have no difficulty in recognizing it as a group with goals broadly consonant with NCSE’s: Sierra Club’s Climate Parents is a diverse national movement of parents and families…
2019 was busy. This past year, we added another three sets of teacher ambassadors, bringing the total number to 47. Our new website has a page for each and every one; I think you’ll enjoy getting to know them. And of course, while it was painful to say goodbye to Brad Hoge, who got the Supporting…
A lone but confident teacher stands in front of the classroom. She is teaching an amazing lesson about climate change and the planet’s future. A hand shoots up into the air, pumping with excitement, and she thinks, “Yes, yes ... this is why I teach!” The student, face shining, then announces with…
Climate Change Summit is a 90-minute town hall-style game where players work together to solve a local climate issue. Our 2019 topic—dam renovation—divides players into characters representing six stakeholder groups, then helps them review data, discuss priorities, and make the best possible…
Three in five Canadians think that human beings evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years, according to a new poll — but less than half think that creationism should not be part of the public school curriculum. Asked, "Which of these statements comes closest to your own point of…
What do you get when you put approximately 1,400 life science teachers, 100+ exhibitors and vendors, and several “rockstar” scientists together in one city? Well, as a life science teacher myself, I’d say a roaring good time! But, for everyone who wasn’t able to attend, you get the National…
"Democrats and Republicans remain at ideological odds over the causes of climate change and the effects of policies to address it," according to a new Pew Research Center survey (November 25, 2019). Respondents were asked to say whether human activity contributes a great deal, some, or not too…
A bill in the New York Senate would, if enacted, establish a climate change education grant program "to award grants to eligible applicants to support climate change education grant programs for young people or to provide optional teacher training or professional development programs relevant to…