Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Even as the Discovery Institute's Stephen C. Meyer was trying to convince the Texas state board of education of his scientific bona fides, the antievolution textbook he coauthored was receiving a scathing review in a top scientific journal. Reviewing Explore Evolution for Evolution &…
Three journals — Science, The Lancet, and National Geographic — are celebrating the bicentennial of the birth of Charles Darwin and the sesquicentennial of the publication of On the Origin of Species. They join Nature, which recently released "15 Evolutionary Gems" (PDF), a new resource…
June 13 — June 21, 2006 Back Row (left to right): Gertrude Radscheit, Laurel Vredenburg, Alan Gishlick, Amos Vredenburg, Horst Radscheit, Jo Amy Rice, Noel Kirschenbaum, Steve Holton Front Row: Eugenie Scott, Brenda Riggs, Ursula Goodenough, Kent Koeninger…
July 17 – 24, 2007 Top Row (left to right): Jim Lippard, Barbara Morgan, David Haury, Sue Ann Miller, Alana Kawakami (Gishlick), Alan Gishlick, Mark Epperson, Ben Thompson Middle Row: Kay Kohlhaas, Janis Hawthorne, Ann Kohlhaas, Peter Knightes, Joe Wolf, Tony…
As the Texas state board of education prepares to vote on a revised set of state science standards, two organizations — one secular, one religious — have joined forces to produce a new website, Teach Them Science, in order to advocate for a twenty-first-century science education for the students…
Charles Darwin, aged 51Less than a month remains before Darwin Day! And since 2009 is the bicentennial of Darwin's birth and the sesquicentennial of the publication of On the Origin of Species, it promises to be a particularly exciting celebration. Colleges and universities,…
Kenneth R. MillerIn a three-part guest essay posted at Carl Zimmer's blog The Loom, Kenneth R. Miller responded to a recent attack by the Discovery Institute on his testimony in the Kitzmiller v. Dover case. At issue in the first part is the claim, found in both Of Pandas and…
Writing in The New York Times (January 4, 2009), Charles McGrath reviewed a quartet of books relevant to the creationism/evolution controversy, described in the headline as "Four Stakes in the Heart of Intelligent Design." Beginning with Why Evolution is True (Viking, 2009), McGrath writes, "The…
The Biochemical Journal inaugurated its series of review articles to commemorate the bicentennial of Darwin's birth by publishing Kevin Padian and Nicholas Matzke's "Darwin, Dover, 'Intelligent Design' and textbooks" (PDF) (209; 417; 29-42). In it, Padian and Matzke explain, "we review very…