Science Is Constantly Evolving

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If you recently picked up a copy of Ray Comfort's edition of On the Origin of Species—the edition with the "special" introduction by Comfort calling Darwin a racist and claiming Adolf Hitler was Darwin's most famous "student"—get protection! First, download the NCSE Safety Bookmark. Carefully…
Just how wrong is creationist Ray Comfort about Darwin, evolution, the fossil record, Hitler, and more? Read our handy guide to Comfort's transgressions. View the PDF…
What's wacky about Ray Comfort's "special" introduction to On the Origin of Species? What special precautions should you take before reading the "special" introduction? And why is Ray Comfort bananas? Our NCSE Safety Video has the scoop! View the video here…
Does Darwin's On the Origin of Species need a special introduction? Creationist Ray Comfort thinks so. On Thursday, November 19, mere days before the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin, Comfort plans to distribute free copies of Origin at colleges and universities…
E. O. WilsonHear E. O. Wilson and Everett Mendelsohn discuss "Frontiers of Evolution" on-line! Starting at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern) on November 24, 2009, a panel of scientists led by Wilson and Mendelsohn will discuss Darwin's legacy and the frontiers of evolutionary biology, as part…
Adding to the celebrations of the sesquicentennial anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, New Scientist enlisted Steve Jones to summarize Darwin's masterpiece. Jones previously updated the Origin, with modern language and modern examples, in his Darwin's Ghost (Random House,…
Eugenie C. ScottVideos of two recent events featuring NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott are now available on-line. First, from WOSU Public Media in Columbus, Ohio, there's "In the Beginning — Explanations from Science and Religion," a panel discussion featuring Scott,…
As November 24, 2009, the sesquicentennial anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, approaches, celebrations are continuing around the country and around the world, as well as in the literature and on the internet. As NCSE previously reported, Science is…
The third episode of Becoming Human — a three-part NOVA documentary on what the latest scientific research reveals about our hominid relatives — will air on November 17, 2009, on public broadcasting stations around the country. According to NOVA: How did modern humans take over the world? New…