Science Is Constantly Evolving

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When there’s something strange in your neighborhood school, who you gonna call? If there’s something weird in your kid’s homework and it don’t look good, who you gonna call? If you’re seeing creationist bills running through your legislature, who you gonna call? Hopefully, my modest changes to…
For the centenary of Alfred Russel Wallace’s death, November 7, 2013, I assembled a host of on-line resources about Wallace’s life and work, which was posted to and sent in Evolution and Climate Education Update, NCSE’s free weekly e-newsletter. (Not a subscriber? That’s easy to fix.)…
Do you take global warming seriously and think it is caused by humans? Do you know a lot about the topic? How do you feel about specific strategies to limit its impacts? And is it extremely important to you personally? Perhaps unsurprisingly, most people believe that climate change is happening…
Ann Reid "Ann Reid has been a researcher, a policy wonk, and a program manager. In January, she will put on a new hat — as first responder to attacks on science education," reported Science Insider (November 20, 2013), taking notice of NCSE's announcement of Reid's appointment as its new…
  Photo Credit: RubioBuitrago via Compfight cc I have a confession to make. I used to be a smoker. Not a social smoker. Not a light smoker. But a regular, good old-fashioned Marlboro-man-style smoker. And not for a year or two. I was a cigarette smoker for fifteen years.…
In a 4-3 decision issued on November 19, 2013, the Supreme Court of Ohio upheld the termination of John Freshwater. In its decision, the court wrote (PDF): After detailed review of the voluminous record in this case, we hold that the court of appeals did not err in affirming the termination.…
In part 1, posted on the forty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Epperson v. Arkansas, I related how the state law prohibiting the teaching of evolution (“the theory or doctrine that mankind ascended or descended from a lower order of animals”) in Arkansas’s public…
When beggars die, there are no comets seen; the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. —William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act II.   So wrote Shakespeare in 1599, echoing a common assumption about the relationship between comets and terrestrial affairs. But…
Ann Reid NCSE is pleased to announce that Ann Reid will be the new executive director of NCSE. Reid succeeds Eugenie C. Scott, who served as executive director for twenty-seven years, 1986 to 2013. Like NCSE itself, Reid combines scientific excellence with communications…