Science Is Constantly Evolving

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In part 1, I related the prepublication history of Robert A. Moore’s “The Impossible Voyage of Noah’s Ark,” which originally appeared in Creation/Evolution 4:1 in 1983 and which, even thirty years later, is one of NCSE’s most frequently cited and used resources. Moore originally…
A recent Harris poll addressed evolution and creationism, with unsurprising results. Those surveyed were given a list of topics — including God, miracles, heaven, Jesus as God or the son of God, angels, survival of the soul after death, the resurrection of Jesus, Hell, the virgin birth, the…
This past Sunday, my favorite advice columnist, The Ethicist (whose column appears in The New York Times), considered an intriguing question. A parent from Cambridge, Massachusetts, wrote in, concerned that her daughter’s biology class had been asked to take a public action on…
One of the most popular resources on NCSE’s website is Robert A. Moore’s “The Impossible Voyage of Noah’s Ark,” which originally appeared in Creation/Evolution 4(1):1–47 in 1983—which, indeed, was the whole of that issue. In the space of just a shade under twenty thousand words…
Photo Credit: Ana_Cotta via Compfight cc Last week on Fossil Friday we left the land of the vertebrates and met an interesting insect. This winged beauty was a real head-scratcher for the paleo-lovers, but an easy answer for naturalists! The correct answers came…
We are fortunate at NCSE to have a super talented and dedicated staff, like our Communications Director Robert Luhn pictured above, who bend over backwards, and then do handsprings and cartwheels, to make the organization look good. This week we've had a strong presence at the annual…
NCSE's archives house a unique trove of material on the creationism/evolution controversy, and we regard it as part of our mission to preserve it for posterity — as well as for occasions such as Kitzmiller v. Dover, where NCSE's archives helped to establish the creationist antecedents of the "…
  This past week, I had the opportunity to dive into piles of fossils at the exhibit hall at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco. I was up to my neck in trilobites, coprolites, and polished coral. I figured many of these would be a little too easy for you, especially…
The proliferation of crowdfunding sites on line has allowed creative individuals to get all sorts of projects into public view and to raise funds to carry them out. Of course, this includes educational and scientific projects, and periodically we hear from the creators or supporters of such…