Science Is Constantly Evolving

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When I interviewed climate scientist Ben Santer in February 2017, so much news of the new administration’s assault on climate science had already been reported that I was feeling all kinds of break-glass desperation. By the end of our talk, I was feeling capable of uncurling from the fetal position…
It wasn’t all that long ago, I suppose, at least on a geological timescale. The board of trustees of the Fayette County Public Schools had been flirting with a policy to require teachers to teach “the new science” of creation science, and scientists on the campus of the University of Kentucky,…
The Heartland Institute is trying to fool teachers. NCSE is fighting back. You can help us. EDITOR'S NOTE: New resources for teachers dealing with Heartland! Click here. It’s April Fool’s Day today, but at NCSE we’re not really in the mood. Why? As Frontline
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Randy Moore and William F. McComas's The Scopes Monkey Trial (Arcadia Publishing, 2016). The preview consists of chapter 5, "The Defense Calls Mr. Bryan," which explains "the Scopes Trial's climactic event: [prosecution attorney William…
Greenland melting? Public officials lying? Endangered species dying? Who you gonna call to document—and raise hell—about these and other environmental outrages? The overwhelming choice would be videographer Peter Sinclair, one of this year's winners of NCSE's Friend of the Planet…
A climate-change-denial think tank's unsolicited mailing to science teachers was the topic of a story from Frontline (March 28, 2017).The Heartland Institute — notorious for its billboard comparing climate change "believers" to the Unabomber — sent a book entitled Why…
NCSE rafters examining Vulcan's Anvil, one of Grand Canyon's geological wonders. Photo by Josh Rosenau, 2014.NCSE is pleased to announce the winners of the third teacher scholarships on our regular raft trip through the Grand Canyon: Marie Story of Whittier Middle School, Sioux Falls, South Dakota…
For over a decade, NCSE has run an annual rafting trip down Grand Canyon as a counterpoint to the numerous creationist rafting trips that use Grand Canyon as a showcase for what they claim as the “evidences” of Noah’s Flood. Our NCSE trip presents the real science of the Canyon while addressing why…
NCSE is pleased to congratulate Richard C. Lewontin, a member of NCSE's Advisory Council, on receiving the Genetics Society of America's Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal for lifetime achievement in the field of genetics for 2017.According to a March 23, 2017, press release from the GSA, "This award…