Science Is Constantly Evolving

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"Peking, Piltdown, and Paluxy: Creationist Legends about Paleoanthropology" (PDF), by NCSE's Glenn Branch and Eugenie C. Scott, was just published in Evolution: Education and Outreach. The abstract of their article: "Because human evolution is often a stumbling block for accepting evolution,…
Over at the PLOS Sci-Ed blog, Adam Blankenblicker recently reported, “I asked one of my colleagues at work, Dr. Briana Pobiner, a paleoanthropologist, ‘You believe in evolution, right?’ I was surprised by how quickly she answered ‘I don’t believe in evolution—I accept the evidence for evolution…
The good people of Ohio seem to be as concerned as most people in the United States about climate change, mostly agreeing that it is happening and something should be done about it. But they are also more confused on the basics—whether it is mainly human or naturally caused, and whether…
Seventy percent of Texans accept that global warming is happening, according to a new report (PDF) from the Yale Project on Climate Communication. But less than half accept that human activity is responsible for global warming, and more than half deny that there is a consensus…
Writing in Scientific American, NCSE's Eugenie C. Scott and Minda Berbeco warn that "a move is afoot to keep climate science out of classrooms." As they note, "objections to the theory of evolution have bedeviled individual teachers, school boards, state boards of education and state…
  By WolfmanSF (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons Last week on Fossil Friday, I gave you a stinky specimen to identify. Why stinky? Well this one was quickly identified by our online friends as coming from the La Brea tar pits. And though it was pulled…
When years from now people look back on how we began to address climate change by preparing young people with knowledge and knowhow about climate and energy, they should know about people like AshEl Eldridge. A passionate educator-performer-comedian with ACE, the…
On September 17, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) held a hearing on new proposed instructional materials/textbooks for science and math classes, and the focus was clearly on the topic of evolution. Almost five dozen people spoke to the board, including NCSE’s Josh Rosenau. (For background…
  This week on the Fossil what a lovely skull you have!  This unfortunate fellow shouldn't be completely foreign to those of us in North America, since we've seen its relatives alive in other parts of the world.  But alas, they are no longer native to our continent.…