Science Is Constantly Evolving

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  For the last month, we've been engaged in a long skull-a-thon on Fossil Friday.  We had Homo rhodesiensis and Homo ergaster and Australopithecus africanus—oh my! So who was last week's unfortunate specimen? From Eric Meikle: "This…
Leonard Krishtalka NCSE congratulates Leonard Krishtalka for becoming the namesake of Nyctitherium krishtalkai, "a fossilized 50-million-year-old insect-eating mammal, about the size of a shrew or small hedgehog," according to a press release issued on October 28, 2013,…
"Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say there is solid evidence that the earth has been getting warmer over the last few decades, a figure that has changed little in the past few years," according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center. Among the striking results of the survey: "While partisan…
David Appell, writing for the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media, observes climate change deniers urging geoengineering as a solution to climate climate change. (Geoengineering is the intentional modification of the atmosphere to change the climate in controlled ways.) They may not…
  Copyright Eric Meikle Happy Day of the Dead! This week, in the final installment of our month-long Skull-a-thon, I bring a departed human relative. From Eric Meikle, one of our house anthropologists, a cryptic riddle: "What beast is this? Only one clue, and IT'S NOT…
As any teacher will attest, engaging a learner, getting them immersed in their own learning, is often half the battle. Climate change poses a particular challenge in this regard. The topic is daunting and can be overwhelming, depressing, and in some circles controversial. A lecture…
The history of the “intelligent design” creationist textbook Of Pandas and People is probably known in greater detail than the history of just about any other textbook. Pandas was central to 2005’s Kitzmiller v. Dover trial, and was the first publication to lay out the…
Kentucky's governor Steve Beshear (D) recently told WKU Public Radio (October 31, 2013) why he is supporting the state's adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards. "My job, Commissioner Holliday's job, and the Kentucky Board of Education's job is to make sure our children are college and…
The shocking truth is that Scopes was, if not exactly fired, then at least let go. Before the trial in July 1925, as the controversy over the first legal test of Tennessee’s Butler Act was making headlines across the country and around the world, Scopes was asked by school officials to disavow…