Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Lots of you identified the Ordovician element of the mélange here, but I wonder how many of you noticed the hint? I advised you to write big. And as it happens, the name of the genus of eurypterid you see here before you is Megalograptus—big writing. You might wonder why a genus of sea…
One of the titles below will make Stephanie Keep’s head explode, or maybe she’ll just make like a hydra and tear off her face. Brownie points if you can identify which article, and why. And enjoy all the other interesting articles we found this week!   When It Rains, It Increasingly Pours…
The Quaternary (or Anthropocene, if you like) element of the mélange here is a USB flash drive belonging to Dan Phelps, who provided the photograph. But what is the Ordovician element? If you think you know the answer, write it on a postcard or on the flyleaf of a copy of Maynard Shipley’s The…
The devil’s lexicographer is Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914?), the author remembered for his compilation of satirical definitions, The Devil’s Dictionary (1911). The devil’s chaplain is Charles Darwin, who in a 1856 letter to Hooker, exclaimed, “What a book a Devil’s chaplain might write on…
  Last week I visited two very different schools.     On Monday I hosted a community science night at a rural school in a relatively low income area. The community is so religious that I was asked not to host anything on Wednesday evenings because that’s church night. You…
Carl Zimmer NCSE congratulates Carl Zimmer for winning the 2016 Stephen Jay Gould Prize from the Society for the Study of Evolution. A recipient of NCSE's Friend of Darwin award, Zimmer is a prolific science journalist whose writing on evolution includes Evolution: The…
It’s Cloudina hartmannae! The genus is named for the legendary paleontologist Preston Cloud Jr. (1912–1991), a pioneer in the study of the Precambrian, while the species is named for the polychaete specialist Olga Hartman (1900–1974). As Andrew H. Knoll writes in Life on a Young…
A well-rounded selection of articles this week, with research findings from evolution, climate change, and education. Enjoy! Exquisitely Detailed 520 Million-Year-Old Fossil Shows Individual Nerves, The Washington Post, March 1, 2016  — Submitted by regular reader Steve Bowden,…
Again with the enigmatic fossils from the Ediacaran! Well, I guess that it’s true what they say: you can take the boy out of the Ediacaran, but you can’t take the Ediacaran out of the boy. (Isn’t that what they say?) In any case, fame and fortune—for suitably small values of fame and fortune—will…