Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Under discussion is the origin of the claim that “we may well suppose” occurs eight hundred times in Darwin’s two principal works, On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man. As I noted in part 1, the claim is bogus: in fact, the phrase appears only once in all of Darwin’s…
As in parts 1 and 2, we’re having a roundtable discussion about Joseph T. Spadafino’s “Americans’ Unwillingness to Accept Evolution En Masse Is a Failure of Science Education,” posted at (although later withdrawn from) the Huffington Post. Joining me are Ian Binns (elementary science educator and…
The sun has a much bigger effect on the climate than humans, doesn’t it? The climate’s always changing. So what? Won’t animals just adapt to a changing climate? The educators I work with hear these questions from students all the time. They’re always looking for…
As explained in part 1, we’re having a roundtable discussion of Joseph T. Spadafino’s “Americans’ Unwillingness to Accept Evolution En Masse Is a Failure of Science Education,” posted at (although later withdrawn from) the Huffington Post. Joining me are Ian Binns (elementary science educator and…
In December 2011, talk radio mogul and sometime drug addict Rush Limbaugh decided to rile up his listeners by announcing “Newt Teams Up With Climate Babe Hayhoe for New Book” (referring, first, to serial philanderer and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and then to Texas Tech professor…
NCSE recognizes Donald Prothero, Katharine Hayhoe, Dana Nuccitelli, John Abraham, Andrew J. Petto, Paula Spence, and Skeptical Science for their tireless work defending and promoting science education. In our modern, Internet-drenched world, misinformation travels at the speed of light…
When you think of warriors against science denial, many names probably come to mind. Two of NCSE’s favorites are our 2016 Friend of the Planet award winners: professor John Abraham, and environmental scientist Dana Nuccitelli. Collectively their actions have pushed back against rampant…
A couple of weeks ago, I was strolling through an airport on my way to visit friends in D.C. when I spotted a tweet by Amanda Glaze (@EvoPhD) regarding a post on the HuffPost Education blog about evolution education. Amanda wrote: “I would have loved to have been consulted on this piece, or…
It’s Gogia spiralis! Shaped like a vase, or a bowling pin, or a pineapple, with five curly arms on top, G. spiralis fossils hail from North American strata dating to the early to middle Cambrian. They’re distant and of course ancient cousins to today’s…