Science Is Constantly Evolving

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It’s a trilobite, sure; who didn’t know that it was a trilobite? But congratulations to Dan Coleman for identifying the genus: Flexicalymene. “Flexicalymene is one of the world’s best-known trilobites,” write David L. Meyer and Richard Arnold Davis in their…
Popular misconceptions about the nature of science play right into the hands of climate change and evolution deniers. No one is served by stories suggesting that science advances in a series of heroic eureka moments, or that science can be “done” with no further investigation necessary. This week,…
Today, courtesy of Dan Phelps, is a fresh fossil—he found it outside Maysville, Kentucky, just six days ago! It is not, despite appearances, a muffin, which is good: a six-day-old muffin would be stale and inedible. Especially if it was from the Ordovician. Anyhow, if you think you know the…
Today I got to do two of my favorite things: think about how people learn science and walk in the woods. I was walking in the woods with a purpose, checking out the location for an upcoming Science Booster Club nature hike. These community nature hikes have been surprisingly popular; we’ve beat…
The big blue Institute for Creation Research logo at the top of the page stood out from all the other colorless, bland papers and letters. What the dickens was Duane Gish, ICR debater extraordinaire, writing about to Jack Friedman (right), NCSE board member and chair of the New York Council for…
In part 1, I told you that Scott O’Neill wanted to know whether infecting Aedes aegypti mosquitos with a commensal bacteria called Wolbachia would make them resistant to the dengue virus, which they spread to tens of millions of people every year. So he and his team set out to…
Still under discussion is the origin of the claim that “we may well suppose” occurs eight hundred times in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man. As noted in part 1, the claim seems to have originated with “Evolutionism in the Pulpit,” by the pseudonymous “An…
Explore the Grand Canyon with NCSE! Reservations are still available for NCSE's next excursion to the Grand Canyon — as featured in the documentary No Dinosaurs in Heaven. From June 30 to July 8, 2016, NCSE will again explore the wonders of creation and evolution on a Grand Canyon river run…
My favorite place to be is outdoors, and I mean that in a purposefully vague way. Whether I’m by the beach, hiking, or canoeing through alligator-laden swamps, I’m by far the happiest and most in my element. Heck, the reason I got into the field of climate education was because of how much I love…