Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

The distinguished anthropologist C. Loring Brace IV died on September 7, 2019, at the age of 89, according to the University of Michigan's Department of Anthropology (October 14, 2019). Brace was, in the words of the notice, "a pivotal figure in the history of ideas in biological anthropology,…
Many people in the United States don’t have access to effective community science education. While NCSE’s DIYSci groups are working hard to provide science activities in regions where few informal science education opportunities exist, geography is only one of many barriers to effectively reaching…
Mammals exhibit remarkable variety in their sense of hearing; from elephants communicating with infrasonic sounds to bats navigating their environment through echolocation calls at ultrasonic frequencies, many non-human mammals hear outside the typical human hearing range. Interestingly enough,…
As Pennsylvania begins the process of revising its 17-year-old state science standards, there is concern that the process will "ignite political battles" over the treatment of evolution and climate change, the Pennsylvania Capital-Star (October 16, 2019) reports. "Educators expect…
Let’s try an exercise. Close your eyes and imagine your worst-case scenario describing evolution or climate change. It could involve an interaction with a student while teaching, a community member while doing public engagement, or even a family member while sitting at the dinner table. As you’re…
"That climate change is happening and that humanity is at least partly responsible is a view held by the majority across the world," according to YouGov's report of a new international poll of people in twenty-eight countries and regions. "The climate is changing and human activity is mainly…
Two college students approach a nurse in a hospital in Taiwan, unsure of what to do. She deftly reads their hesitation, then puts them to work rolling bandages and dispensing medication. Hard at work, they start asking questions about the flu epidemic currently tearing through the hospital. After…
Mary Morrow describes herself as a “PD junkie.” “I attend about every professional development workshop I can,” Morrow, an NCSE Teacher Ambassador, recounted recently as she discussed her role organizing and facilitating a two-day professional learning opportunity focused on NCSE’s five climate…
Late last year, when we began to get serious about updating our website, the design team we were working with asked us to tell them what we liked in a website. So we started looking at the websites of other non-profit organizations with missions similar to NCSE—environmental and educational groups…