Science Is Constantly Evolving

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On June 7, 2002 the Nebraska Board of Education voted 5-2 to add the state's existing science standards, including coverage of evolution, to the official requirements for school accreditation. According to a report in the Omaha World-Herald, supporters of "intelligent design" had asked…
The Board of Education of the Patrick Henry Local School District in Ohio has passed a motion supporting "the idea of intelligent design being included as appropriate in classroom discussions in addition to other scientific theories", according to an article in the April 16 issue of the
Congressman George Miller, a member of the joint conference committee that drafted the final version of the recently signed No Child Left Behind education bill, has sent a letter to NCSE clarifying the significance of the “Santorum Amendment.” The amendment, stripped from the bill and placed in…
Stephen Jay Gould, the sometimes controversial but always tireless advocate of quality science education, has died at the age of 60. In addition to his valuable scientific work, Gould was a fierce foe of creationism; he was a valued Supporter of NCSE. See the Washington Post…
The distinguished biologist John A. Moore, Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University of California, Riverside, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and Supporter of NCSE, died on May 26, 2002. In addition to his contributions to biology, Moore is well known for his contributions to…
by Skip EvansNCSE Network Project Director A post on the web site of Focus on the Family (FOF) dated May 8, 2002, was headlined "'Icons of Evolution' Coming to Ohio." It referred to television broadcasts of the video version of the book of the same name, written by Jonathan Wells,…
On May 9, Francisco J. Ayala, Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of California, Irvine, was named by President Bush to receive the National Medal for Science, the nation’s highest award for lifetime achievement in scientific research. Ayala will receive the medal at a…
At a black-tie dinner in Washington DC on May 7, 2002, Eugenie C. Scott, executive director of NCSE, was presented with the 2002 National Science Board Public Service Award. The National Science Board is the governing board of the National Science Foundation. The annual award recognizes…
Lawrence Krauss, chair of the Physics Department at Case Western Reserve University, and recent recipient of the American Association for Advancement of Science Award for Public Understanding of Science, appears in the April 30, 2002, New York Times. In the editorial Krauss takes aim at believers…