Science Is Constantly Evolving

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The Justice Department on April 22 announced that it was closing its inquiry into complaints of religious discrimination by Texas Tech student Micah Spradling against biology professor Michael Dini. See the Justice Department’s press release for details…
Project Steve continues apace, with the 305th Steve coming on board today. Like their predecessors, the 85 Steves to join since the initial announcement of Project Steve are a distinguished group whose public support for evolution education we are honored to be able to announce. The 300th…
The South Carolina Senate is considering S153, a bill dealing with instructional materials and textbooks. On April 9 an amendment was offered by Sen. Fair with the following key provision: (B) The following must be placed in all science books published for kindergarten through twelfth grade…
House Bill 1172 is scheduled to be considered by the Public Education Committee of the Texas House of Representatives on April 22. Although concerned mainly with the presentation of patriotism, the free enterprise system, and historical events, the proposed bill also contains this provision: "...…
NCSE Executive Director Dr. Eugenie C. Scott was pleasantly surprised on April 12, 2003 at the Center for Inquiry conference in Washington, DC, at which she received CFI's "The Defense of Science Award" for "her tireless leadership in defending scientific evolution and educational freedom."…
The Public Education Committee of the Texas House of Representatives recently approved HB 1447, which will now be considered by the House as a whole. This bill would return total control of textbook content to the State Board of Education. Key provisions of this bill include a requirement that…
Senate Bill 168 was not acted upon by the Education Committee before a March 1 deadline, and is therefore officially finished for this year's session of the Kansas Legislature. This result was expected following comments by the Education Committee chair that the bill was already "dead in the…
A bill proposing a textbook disclaimer of evolution has failed to advance in the Oklahoma legislature. HB 1504 missed this year's official deadline for committee action. See also the January 28 news item on this page…
Mississippi University for Women has reinstated Nancy Bryson, an untenured associate professor of chemistry, as its division head of science and mathematics following accusations that she was demoted because of a lecture she gave advocating “intelligent design.” The university administration…