Science Is Constantly Evolving

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NCSE's Glenn Branch's "Going Ape: Interview with Brandon Haught" (PDF) was just published in Evolution: Education and Outreach. Of Haught's book Going Ape, Branch writes, "It is the only study of controversies over the teaching of evolution that concentrates on a single state…
Image from Freizeitpark Germendorf Last week on Fossil Friday, as per a reader's request, I presented a fossil from the Mesozoic. I chose a lower jaw from the Jurassic, but mentioning that this fossil was in the movie Jurassic Park made it completely obvious what the fossil was. It…
Neil deGrasse Tyson stares at the Sun. Don't try this at home, unless you, too, are a professional astronomer. In this week’s episode of Cosmos, Neil deGrasse Tyson dug deep into the science of climate change, and offered his vision of how we can solve it. Dismissing a…
This whole month, Fossil Friday is “fossil by request.” Want to see a pile o’ marsupial teeth? Want me to dig into the La Brea tar pits? Are you an ammonite addict? Your wish is my command! The first requested fossil is coming from GrizzlyD, who asked for “some Mesozoic beasties.” Well.…
When part 1 of “Intelligent Design in Public Schools” ended, I was in the middle of summarizing my essay of the same title that was published in Whitney A. Bauman and Lucas F. Johnston’s collection Science and Religion: One Planet, Many Possibilities (Routledge 2014). Where was I?…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Grady Klein and Yoram Bauman's The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change (Island Press, 2014). The preview consists of chapter 2, "A Brief History of Planet Earth," which begins with the formation of the earth about 4.6 billion years ago…
    In reading about the hoopla and choreography around the new EPA power plant regulations and thinking about the “teachable moments” the new regs offer, I can’t help but wonder: Would the situation today be different if we’d included human impact on the climate system—the causes,…
It’s nice to be asked to write something, and it’s especially nice to be asked to write something in your field of expertise, and it’s nicest of all to be asked to write something when the people who ask you know exactly what they want. So when Whitney A. Bauman of Florida International…
NCSE is proud to have been named in the Best of the Scout Report for 2014, as "the most shared resource by Scout Report readers" for the academic year 2013-2014. "There are many free excerpts to read and it's a fun way to trace the evolution of these popular and significant debates," the report…