Science Is Constantly Evolving

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NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of James McClintock's Lost Antarctica: Adventures in a Disappearing Land (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). The preview consists of chapter 2, "It is All about the Ice." "The ecological impacts of rapid climate change on the marine life of the…
The creationist ship is foundering. In parts one and two we examined the young-earth creationist claim that the Great Unconformity in Grand Canyon was carved by the onset of Noah’s Flood. Today we’ll take this a step further, and explain what we would expect to see if the creationist story were…
What, specifically, were the grounds for Scopes’s appeal to the Tennessee Supreme Court? That was the question that I began to address in part 1, relying on a copy (big PDF) of the brief at the Clarence Darrow Digital Collection of the University of Minnesota’s Law Library. I started to…
CollegeDegrees360 from Flickr Most people are surprised when I tell them that I was a terrible student. Bored, restless, and rarely taking notes in class, I was the one scribbling caricatures of the teacher as a sheep, snail, or space alien. I’d spend the hours staring at the clock, checking off…
I interviewed for my post at NCSE in the wake of the Bill Nye/Ken Ham hullabaloo (which Josh Rosenau reviewed here), so watching the whole 2.5-hour-plus affair was part of my preparation. Looking back at my notes still makes me laugh, since there are all kinds of “what!?!?!”s and “this makes no…
This past week on Fossil Friday, I gave you a final fossil to kiss Fossil Friday goodbye. There were many guesses, but the answer was a huge hypostome (the plate that covered the mouth) from a trilobite. Yikes—that fellow from the Ordovician Kope Formation in Northern Kentucky would…
Hey, Fossil Friday Friends! Welcome to 2015! Well, I have some good news and some bad news for all your fossil addicts out there. First the bad news: Fossil Friday is going to come to a close. After a year and half of fossil-friendly blogging, I’ve run low on my fossils—…
As I realized in responding to a comment from John Harshman, my discussion of the appeal in the Scopes case (“Flubbing the Appeal in Scopes” part 1 and part 2) neglected to describe the legal arguments of Scopes’s brief. Harshman asked, “Wasn’t it foolish of the appellants to present any…
Snips and snails? Sugar and spice? What drives some people to creationism, and others to accept evolution? Jonathan Hill’s survey of American attitudes on evolution and creationism (on behalf of the pro-evolution evangelical group Biologos) offers a lot of insight for anyone who has pondered that…