Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Dr. Eugenie C. Scott, Executive Director of NCSE, was awarded the California Science Teachers Association Margaret Nicholson Distinguished Service Award at the CSTA's annual meeting in San Francisco on October 25, 2002. The CSTA's highest honor, the citation commemorates Scott "in…
A survey of Ohio university scientists shows that they overwhelmingly view "intelligent design" as a religious, not a scientific, concept. The survey was conducted by faculty at Case Western Reserve University and the University of Cincinnati, and results were announced at a press conference on…
Contrary to some recent press reports, the "Theories of Origin" policy adopted by the Cobb County, Georgia, Board of Education on September 26, 2002, specifically disallows the teaching of creationism. As enacted, the policy explicitly states that, “It is the intent of the Cobb County Board of…
An organization which has actively promoted intelligent design creationism and opposed evolution education in Kansas and Ohio in recent years has now opened a branch in New Mexico. Intelligent Design network, inc. ("IDnet") of Shawnee Mission, Kansas announced the creation of Intelligent Design…
The Board of the Cobb County School District, near Atlanta, decided on August 22 to consider changes in a policy related to science and evolution education. Early this year the same district adopted an evolution textbook disclaimer. Now the seven member board has voted unanimously to study a…
Two moderates on the Kansas Board of Education lost their primary bids on August 6, raising the chances the board could return to a 5-5 moderate-conservative split. The defeats of Republicans Sonny Rundell, from Syracuse, and Val DeFever, of Independence, means moderates could lose the majority…
US News and World Report's cover story for July 29, 2002, is "The New Reality of Evolution." The article entitled "Life's Grand Design: A new breed of anti-evolutionists credits it to an unnamed intelligence" casts an appropriately skeptical eye over the intelligent design movement. NCSE…
On June 20 the 214th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), meeting in Columbus, Ohio, passed the following resolution: "The 214th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) "1. Reaffirms that God is Creator, in accordance with the witness of Scripture and the Reformed…
On June 17 the Board of the Annville-Cleona School District voted to reject proposed 7th and 8th grade reading course textbooks. According to news reports in the Lebanon Daily News and Harrisburg Patriot-News board members objected to some of the topics presented, including evolution…