Science Is Constantly Evolving

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At its February 10, 2014, meeting, the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee approved a new set of science standards for South Carolina — with the exception of a clause involving the phrase "natural selection." According to the Charleston Post and Courier (February 10, 2014),…
Last week on Fossil Friday, I gave you a fossil that looked more like embroidery. But in fact, it was a sea creature from the Jurassic—Saccocoma pectinata, aka, a floating crinoid. The commenters very quickly picked this one out right away. One person even correctly…
What neighborhood? Mine? Yours? I’m actually referring to both of our neighborhoods and a good deal more. I’m talking about the Solar System, and not just out to Neptune or Pluto but a thousand times farther–out to the Oort cloud of would-be comets.How many would-be comets are lolling about in the…
This week's Fossil Friday is so delicate and lovely, it looks almost like I drew it on parchment. But no, these squiggles were left by a sea creature during the late Jurassic. It was found more recently in modern day Germany. There are many relatives of this fellow around today, but…
With the recent debate between Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis attracting as many as three million viewers, it is likely that interest in creationism/evolution debates will skyrocket. Writing in The Scientist (February 7, 2014), NCSE's Ann Reid and Glenn…
A Crystal disco ball to celebrate the crystal anniversary of the Disco. 'tute's entry into the creationism business. Fifteen years ago yesterday, a mail clerk in Seattle was handed a document to copy. As the Seattle Weekly reported, the packet was labeled “TOP SECRET” and “NOT…
In a two-part post on “The Two Woodrows” (part 1, part 2), I used Woodrow Wilson’s famous comment “of course, like every other man of intelligence and education, I do believe in organic evolution. It surprises me that at this late date such questions should be raised” as a pretext to recount the…
In tonight’s debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, the Science Guy went on stage equipped with the most vital tool of all in any oral debate over evolution and creationism: a showman's flair, developed over three decades of experience explaining science to the broad public. Of course, he also had…
Tonight at 4 p.m. for us in Oakland, 7 p.m. in Cincinnati, I plan to tune in and watch the debate between Ken Ham the Answers in Genesis frontman and Bill Nye the Science Guy. They’re debating in the auditorium at the AiG-run Creation “Museum,” in front of an audience of 900 people so rabidly…