Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

THERE’S TOO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT LAST SUNDAY'S EPISODE OF COSMOS. Steve Newton and I have shared Cosmos reviewing duties, and this week Neil deGrasse Tyson and his team served us an overflowing plate. We’re both Grand Canyon nerds (and we’ll be staffing NCSE’s annual rafting trip…
When esteemed experts question the value of education in addressing climate change–which  happened to me again last week at Stanford–I’m initially surprised. But then I remind myself that, while they may be experts in their realm, they don't necessarily appreciate the worth of providing young…
Back left: Glenn Branch, Ann Reid, Bill Nye, Genie ScottFront left: Joshua Rosenau, Minda Berbeco, Lindsay Miller What's it like to intern with the National Center for Science Education? Lindsay Miller, a current NCSE intern and undergraduate student at Northwestern University, shares her…
How would the creationism-evolution controversy have been different if World War I had never happened? Today the question is answered by Ulrich Kutschera, Professor of Plant Physiology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Kassel. Long involved in efforts to defend the teaching of…
Over at the Discovery Institute, Senior Fellow Wesley Smith writes that “cruel” environmentalists “want to keep the world’s destitute in squalor” by delaying improvements in the developing world. In this supposed “war on humans,” improvements such as electrification will just have to wait until…
How would the creationism-evolution controversy have been different if World War I had never happened? Today the question is answered by George E. Webb, Professor of History at Tennessee Tech University and the author of The Evolution Controversy in America (Lexington [KY]:…
Quick! What do you say when someone tells you that your entire body is covered in bacteria? A) Yuck! B) Yay! If your answer was A, you’re not alone, but your gut would certainly disagree. That’s because, as Martin J. Blaser, MD, describes in his new book Missing Microbes, the…
A new poll from the Associated Press and GfK asked (PDF) respondents not whether they agree or disagree, but how confident they are, about various claims about science. The Associated Press (April 21, 2014) summarized, "Americans have more skepticism than confidence in global warming, the age of…
"From Mauritius to Manitoba, climate change is slowly moving from the headlines to the classroom," reported The New York Times (April 20, 2014). "Schools around the world are beginning to tackle the difficult issue of global warming, teaching students how the planet is changing and…