Science Is Constantly Evolving

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I’m not going to lie, guys: I’m still feeling pretty smug about stumping you all last week. Will I be able to do it again? I rather doubt it. Surely you’ll recognize this creature. It’s the next stop on my tour of awesome backbones. If you know what it is and leave the first comment identifying it…
Carelessness, thy name is T. T. Martin. Martin (1862–1939) was, as you’ll recall, the Mississippi evangelist described by Ronald L. Numbers in The Creationists (1992) as “among the earliest and most outspoken critics of evolution…an itinerant evangelist with a reputation for combining…
Andrew Sherwood Senate Resolution 1001, introduced in the Arizona Senate on February 2, 2016, would, if enacted, express the Senate's recognition of February 12, 2016, as International Darwin Day. The resolution acknowledges the 207th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth,…
Last week, I told you that you’d all recognize this specimen once I told you what it was, and I stand by that. Meet Deinonychus. You don’t recognize the name? Or the skull? Well, do you recognize this foot? Or this movie star? But wait! That’s Velociraptor, you say? In the…
Sean B. Carroll NCSE is pleased to congratulate Sean B. Carroll, a member of NCSE's Advisory Council and a recipient of NCSE's Friend of Darwin award, on winning the Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science.  Carroll's books include Endless Forms Most Beautiful…
The Apollo 10 crew, credited as the fastest people in history. How a scientist would talk about being the "fastest" became a sticking point in writing The Martian, as discussed in one of the pieces we read this week. NCSE moved offices this week, which left less time than usual for…
After fifteen years in the same office, NCSE is relocating. Effective February 1, 2016, NCSE will be at 1904 Franklin Street, Suite 600, Oakland CA 94612-2922. Please update your address book. (Local telephone numbers are unchanged, although individual telephone extensions may be changing.…
This week’s fossil will be familiar, I’m sure, to all of you once it’s revealed. As presented here, however, it is perhaps not obvious to most of you. I’m being cryptic, I know… so here’s a hint: I’m feeling thematic, so this week’s fossil is in some way connected to last week’s… Have you figured…
NCSE’s Science Booster Clubs are off to a great start in 2016. We now have clubs operating at four locations: our original club in Iowa City, as well as three new clubs in West Branch, Cedar Rapids, and Clear Creek Amana. Membership is growing, and so is community enthusiasm. We have fun science…