Science Is Constantly Evolving

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On July 17 House Bill 5005 was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives and referred to the Education Committee. HB 5005 endorses "teaching the design hypothesis as an explanation for the origin and diversity of life." House Bill 4705, introduced in 2001, contained the same provisions…
On July 2 House Bill 4946 was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives and referred to the Education Committee. This bill would amend Michigan's school code to require the state board of education to modify its science standards to include the idea of "intelligent design of a…
The Oklahoma state legislature dealt with proposed evolution textbook disclaimers twice during its 2003 session. House Bill 1504 would have required a disclaimer, similar to Alabama’s, which has been suggested several times in recent years before the Oklahoma Textbook Committee and the Legislature…
Unlocking the Mystery of Life, a documentary about the “intelligent design” movement cowritten by Stephen C. Meyer, Director and Senior Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute, is airing on individual PBS stations across the country. Because NCSE has…
Margaret "Betsey" Ott, Instructor of Biology at Tyler Junior College, Tyler, TX, has been elected President-Elect of the National Association of Biology Teachers. Betsey will assume the presidency in 2004. She is a long time NCSE member and supporter of evolution education. Other NCSE members who…
On June 23 the Louisiana Legislature adjourned its current session. Three proposed measures with anti-evolution implications died at that point. HCR50 and SB1125 never came up for consideration in their assigned committees. HB1782, forbidding the "printing and distribution of false or fraudulent…
June 19, 2003, is the 16th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Edwards v. Aguillard, which ruled that it is unconstitutional to require the teaching of "creation science" in the public schools…
Even before the committee that will draft Minnesota’s new science standards has been assembled, creationism has already become news. WCCO Channel 4 News in the Twin Cities has posted a story on its web site about the drafting of new standards, which mentions the potential upcoming controversy…
Three valued supporters of NCSE recently were honored. Brian J. Alters, the director of the Evolution Education Research Centre at McGill University, received the Faculty of Education Award for Distinguished Teaching from McGill University at its spring convocation on June 3. Francisco Ayala,…