"Making the Grade?" in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Making the Grade report

NCSE's executive director Ann Reid and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund's president Val Benavidez contributed "America is too often failing students on climate change" to the blog of Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (February 2, 2021). In their post, they discuss the recent report "Making the Grade? How State Public School Science Standards Address Climate Change," prepared by NCSE and TFNEF.

After summarizing the mixed results of "Making the Grade," Reid and Benavidez called for further improvements in the treatment of climate change in state science standards, writing, "The purpose of public education is to prepare today's students to flourish in the world they will inherit tomorrow. That is incontrovertibly going to be a warmer world. So we can — and must — do a better job when it comes to teaching climate change in our public schools."

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.
