Farewell to Claire Adrian-Tucci

Claire Adrian-TucciNCSE bids farewell to Claire Adrian-Tucci, who joined NCSE in 2016. She learned about NCSE while a graduate student in biology and epidemiology at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, where the Science Booster Club program was piloted in 2015. After becoming one of the most valuable volunteers there, she was hired to coordinate NCSE's teacher outreach programs, NCSEteach and Scientist in the Classroom. Later, in 2017, she transitioned to help to manage the national expansion of the Science Booster Club program and to organize the Washington DC-area Science Booster Club. For her work on the Science Booster Clubs, she was one of the recipients, along with NCSE's Emily Schoerning, of the Society for the Study of Evolution's Thomas Henry Huxley Award in recognition of outreach and education achievement for early and mid-career scientists. All of us at NCSE wish her the best in her new endeavors.