Congratulations to Richard B. Katskee

Richard KatskeeNCSE is delighted to congratulate Richard B. Katskee, a member of NCSE's board of directors, on his appointment as the legal director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. A graduate of Yale Law School, Katskee began his legal career at the law firm Mayer Brown, after which he joined Americans United. As the organization's assistant legal director, Katskee was instrumental in litigating Kitzmiller v. Dover, the 2005 case establishing the unconstitutionality of teaching "intelligent design" creationism in the public schools. Leaving Americans United, he served as deputy director of the Program Legal Group in the federal Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights and then returned to Mayer Brown, in its Supreme Court and Appellate practice. Katskee joined NCSE's board of directors in 2013.