Climate change education legislation in Hawaii

Hawaii State Capitol

Hawaii's House Bill 1052 and the identical Senate Bill 1350 would, if enacted, establish a climate impact special fund in the state treasury. Money from the fund would be used for activities "to address the impact, mitigation, and adaptation of climate change, including but not limited to ... climate change education and outreach."

Money for the fund would have a variety of sources, including a 5-cent-per-barrel share of a $1.05-per-barrel state tax on petroleum products (excluding aviation fuel) and "the sum of $100,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2023-2034" from the state's general revenues.

Both bills were introduced on January 25, 2023, House Bill 1052 by Scott K. Saiki (D-District 25), the Speaker of the House, and Senate Bill 1350 by Ronald D. Kouichi (D-District 8), the President of the Senate, at the request of Governor Josh Green (D), whose recent message (PDF) to the legislature describes the fund as part of his climate agenda.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.