Catalyzing Action

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"A Billings legislator has reintroduced a bill that would encourage high school teachers to present evolutionary biology as disputed theory rather than sound science and protect those who teach viewpoints like creationism in the classroom," reports the Billings Gazette (January 29, 2015). The…
West Virginia
Herman Mays is a member of NCSE and a biology professor at Marshall University. He testified at the West Virginia Board of Education meeting last week, speaking against climate change-denying revisions to the state’s science standards. Thanks to outcry from concerned scientists and parents like…
South Dakota
South Dakota's Senate Bill 114 is the fourth antiscience bill of 2015, following on the heels of Missouri's House Bill 486, Indiana's Senate Bill 562, and Oklahoma's Senate Bill 665. All four bills are broadly similar to Tennessee's "monkey law," enacted over the protests of the state's…
Wyoming's House Bill 23 (PDF) was passed by the House of Representatives on a 39-21 vote on January 26, 2015, according to the Casper Star-Tribune (January 27, 2015), and now proceeds to the Senate. The bill would allow the state to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards by…
A Montana legislator, Clayton Fiscus (R-District 46), is preparing to introduce a bill purporting to "emphasize critical thinking in instruction related to controversial scientific theories on the origin of life" such as "biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, random mutation,…