Catalyzing Action

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When the Alabama board of education voted to approve a new set of science standards on September 10, 2015, in which evolution was described as "substantiated with much direct and indirect evidence," the question arose: what will become of the evolution disclaimer in Alabama's textbooks?…
The Alabama state board of education voted unanimously to approve a new set of science standards on September 10, 2015, according to National Public Radio (September 10, 2015) — and evolution is described as "substantiated with much direct and indirect evidence." Speaking to NPR, NCSE's Minda…
West Virginia
A federal lawsuit contending that teaching evolution in West Virginia's public schools is unconstitutional is over. In the decision (PDF) in Smith v. Jefferson County School Board et al., issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia on August 25, 2015…
New Hampshire
Researchers asked residents of New Hampshire about their trust of scientists as a source of information about five topics: vaccines, climate change, nuclear power safety, evolution, and genetically modified organisms. The results, according (PDF) to the report, "offer modest encouragement…
The Iowa Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards at its August 6, 2015, meeting. Iowa thus becomes the fifteenth state to adopt the NGSS, joining Arkansas (so far only for middle school), California, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Maryland,…