Catalyzing Action

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Idaho's Senate Bill 1321 (PDF), introduced on February 12, 2016, and referred to the Senate Committee on State Affairs, would, if enacted, permit the use of the Bible in Idaho's public schools "for reference purposes to further the study of" a variety of topics, including "astronomy, biology, […
The principal sponsor of Mississippi's House Bill 50 acknowledged that the bill seeks to allow teachers to present creationism. Interviewed by the Jackson Clarion-Ledger (February 10, 2016), Mark Formby (R-District 108) explained, “If a teacher... believes the Earth was created by a Supreme Being…
"Idaho lawmakers have rejected new K-12 science standards after receiving criticism over how the [standards] — which for the first time include global warming and evolution components — were finalized," reported the Associated Press (February 9, 2016). Although the Idaho state board of education…
House Bill 50, introduced in the Mississippi House of Representatives and referred to the House Education Committee on February 8, 2016, would, if enacted, allow science teachers with idiosyncratic opinions to teach anything they pleased — and prohibit responsible educational authorities from…
South Dakota
South Dakota's Senate Bill 83 is out of commission, following a February 4, 2016, hearing in the Senate Education Committee. The committee voted 4-3 to defer further consideration of the bill to the forty-first legislative day, and since the legislative session in South Dakota is thirty…