Catalyzing Action

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House Bill 899 and Senate Bill 1018 both died in committee on March 11, 2016, when the Florida legislature adjourned. Ostensibly aimed at empowering taxpayers to object to the use of specific instructional materials in the public schools, the bills were promoted by groups with a record of…
West Virginia
At its March 7, 2016, meeting, West Virginia's Senate Education Committee revised House Bill 4014 to require only the review, not the repeal, of the recently adopted state science standards, according to the Charleston Gazette-Mail (March 7, 2016).  As NCSE previously reported, the version…
Idaho's Senate Bill 1321 (PDF) — which originally would have permitted the use of the Bible in Idaho's public schools "for reference purposes to further the study of" a variety of topics, including "astronomy, biology, [and] geology" — is reportedly going to be amended to omit the references…
West Virginia
West Virginia's House Bill 4014, which passed the House of Delegates on February 26, 2016, would, if enacted, prevent the state board of education from implementing the state science standards adopted in 2015 — and there are indications that the treatment of climate science in the standards is…
Oklahoma's House Bill 3045 (PDF), which would, if enacted, have deprived administrators of the ability to prevent teachers from miseducating students about "scientific controversies," died in the House Rules Committee on February 26, 2016, when a deadline for bills in the House of…