Catalyzing Action

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Members of the Texas state board of education launched a preemptive attack on a panel appointed to streamline the state science standards for biology during its September 14, 2016, meeting, according to the Texas Freedom Network's Kathy Miller, who criticized the attack in a September 16, 2016,…
New York
The New York City Council adopted Resolution 0375 on April 20, 2016, calling on the New York state department of education to include lessons on climate change in the curriculum of the state's public K-12 schools — and NCSE was cited.   The resolution begins, "Whereas, According to the…
Kentucky's Senate Bill 50 (PDF) died in the House Education Committee when the legislature adjourned on April 15, 2016. The bill would have extended the duration of summer vacation in the state's public schools in order to boost tourism — including to a creationist attraction.  A sponsor of…
Idaho's governor C. L. "Butch" Otter (R) vetoed Senate Bill 1342 (PDF) on April 5, 2016. The bill, passed by both chambers of the Idaho legislature, would have permitted the use of religious texts, including the Bible, "in Idaho public schools for reference to further the study" of various topics…
Writing on (March 31, 2016), Amanda Glaze denounced the recent decision of the Alabama state board of education to retain the "scientifically inaccurate and pedagogically inappropriate" evolution disclaimer affixed to biology textbooks in the state's public schools. As NCSE previously…