Catalyzing Action

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Arizona's Senate Bill 1368, introduced on January 29, 2020, by Juan Mendez (D-District 26), would, if enacted, revise the state science standards to "include instruction on climate change using the 2013 Next Generation Science Standards." Climate change is already part of one of the "Core Ideas…
"The appointment of a creationism advocate to lead the agency that oversees Brazil’s graduate study programs has scientists here concerned—yet again—about the encroachment of religion on science and education policy," reports Science (January 26, 2020). Benedito Guimarães Aguiar Neto, formerly the…
North Carolina
A revised set of North Carolina's state social studies standards now under consideration omits the Paleolithic, according to WFAE radio in Charlotte (January 30, 2020), meaning that human evolution would no longer be mentioned in sixth-grade world history courses. WFAE observed, "Some who embrace…
South Dakota
South Dakota's Senate Bill 59, which would have allowed the misrepresentation of science in the classroom, was tabled on a 7-0 vote in the Senate Education Committee on January 30, 2020, and is thus out of commission. If enacted, SB 59 would have provided, "No teacher may be prohibited from…
New York
Senate Bill 7341, introduced by Andrew Gounardes (D-District 22) in the New York Senate on January 21, 2020, and referred to the Senate Committee on Education, would, if enacted, require the establishment of "a model environmental curriculum on climate change to be taught in all public elementary…