Catalyzing Action

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A petition to amend the Nevada constitution to require the teaching of the "strengths and weaknesses" of evolution was filed with the secretary of state's office on February 24, 2006. The "Truth in Science" initiative calls for students to be informed that "although most scientists agree that…
Senate Bill 2427 is listed on the Mississippi legislature's website as having died on committee on February 28, 2006. The bill, which was passed by the Senate on February 6, 2006, would have ensured that "[n]o local school board, school superintendent or school principal shall prohibit a public…
House Bill 1228 (PDF), introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates on February 10, 2006, would, if enacted, require the state board of education to "prohibit the teaching or the discussion of the theory of intelligent design" in science classes and prohibit it from "requiring the teaching or…
Senate Bill 96 was defeated by a 48-26 vote in the Utah House of Representatives on February 27, 2006. The bill was the culmination of about half a year's worth of public antievolution statements by Senator Chris Buttars (R-District 10), beginning with his announcement of plans to introduce…
The Manhattan-Ogden school district (USD 383) became the first local school district in Kansas to reject the state science standards adopted by the Kansas state board of education in November 2005. At its meeting on February 15, 2006, the USD 383 board of education voted 6-0 to adopt a resolution…