Catalyzing Action

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A member of the Ohio state board of education proposed a change to the state science standards, prompting concern that the attack on evolution education in the Buckeye State -- which began in 2000, when the standards were in development -- is not yet over. According to the current science standards…
Michigan's House Bill 5251 passed the House Education Committee by a vote of 15-2 on June 28, 2006, according to a report [Link broken] in the Saginaw News (June 29, 2006). The bill originally called for the state board of education to revise the state science standards to ensure that students will…
No fewer than four antievolution bills were introduced in the Oklahoma legislature during its 2006 session: HB 2107 (encouraging the presentation of "the full range of scientific views" with regard to "biological or chemical origins of life"), HB 2526 (authorizing school districts to teach "…
New York
When the New York State Assembly's legislative session ended on June 23, 2006, Assembly Bill 8036 [Link broken] died in committee. If enacted, the bill would have required that "all pupils in grades kindergarten through twelve in all public schools in the state ... receive instruction in all…
by Nick Matzke An Associated Press story in the Las Vegas Sun reports [Link broken] that the so-called "Truth in Science" initiative in Nevada has died. The initiative would have amended the Nevada constitution to require public schools to teach that "parts Of evolution are unproven theories" and…