Catalyzing Action

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Senate Bill 320 (document), prefiled in the Oklahoma Senate and scheduled for a first reading on February 2, 2009, is apparently the first antievolution bill of 2009. Entitled the "Scientific Education and Academic Freedom Act," SB 320 would, if enacted, require state and local educational…
The third draft of Texas's science standards is available — and the creationist catchphrase "strengths and weaknesses" is absent. The current standards (PDF) for high school biology include a requirement that reads, "The student is expected to analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations…
A large, industrial Northern state may be about to banish the word "evolution" from its science curriculum standards. Acting on a mandate from the state legislature, the Illinois Board of Education has developed new Learning Standards for a number of subjects, including science. Learning Standards…
When the Michigan legislature ended its last voting session for 2007-2008 on December 19, 2008, two antievolution bills — House Bill 6027 and Senate Bill 1361 — died in committee. The identical bills were instances of the "academic freedom" strategy for undermining the teaching of evolution; as…
On Friday, November 5, the Oklahoma State Textbook Committee, which is charged with approving textbooks for the state's 540 school districts, voted to require publishers to affix a disclaimer to any science book that discusses the theory of evolution. The committee's decision is not subject to…