Catalyzing Action

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As expected, when the Kansas state board of education heard a presentation about the current status of the Next Generation Science Standards on June 12, 2012, evolution was in the crosshairs. The Associated Press (June 13, 2012) reports that Ken Willard, a member of the board, described the draft…
"Kansas is headed toward another debate over how evolution is taught in its public schools," the Associated Press (June 6, 2012) reports, "with a State Board of Education member saying Wednesday that science standards under development are 'very problematic' for describing the theory as a well-…
When the Oklahoma legislature adjourned sine die on May 25, 2012, no fewer than three legislative attempts to attack the teaching of evolution and of climate change were finally laid to rest. All three would have encouraged teachers in the public schools of the Sooner State to present the "…
New Jersey
A bare majority of New Jerseyans accept evolution, according to a new poll from Monmouth University and the Asbury Park Press. Asked "whether or not you personally believe in ... the theory of evolution — that humans evolved from lower life forms," 51% of respondents said yes, 42% said no, and 7…
When the Missouri legislature adjourned on May 18, 2012, both antievolution bills in the House of Representatives died in committee. House Bill 1276 would have permitted teachers "to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and…