Catalyzing Action

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The Orleans Parish School Board "OK'd policies that prohibit the teaching of creationism or so-called 'intelligent design' in its half-dozen direct-run schools, or the purchasing of textbooks that promulgate those perspectives," according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune (December 18, 2012). As…
House Bill 285, prefiled in the Texas House of Representatives on December 14, 2012, would, if enacted, add a provision to the state's education code providing, "An institution of higher education may not discriminate against or penalize in any manner, especially with regard to employment or…
The new chair of the Kentucky Senate Standing Committee on Education "has no intention of using his new role to help push his personal belief in creationism into the curriculum of public schools," reports the Louisville Courier-Journal (December 12, 2012). Mike Wilson (R-District 32) was among…
Climate change is included in the new set of state social studies standards for Nebraska — but in a way that misrepresents the scientific consensus on global climate change. In particular, the adopted indicator 12.3.5.c reads (PDF), "Evaluate successful solutions and problems related to the…
Indiana's newspapers are reacting to the prospective antievolution bill in Indiana. As NCSE previously reported, state senator Dennis Kruse (R-District 14) plans to introduce a bill that, in the words of the Indianapolis Star (December 4, 2012), "allows students to challenge teachers on issues,…