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The antiscience provision was removed from Ohio's House Bill 597 by the House Rules and Reference Committee on September 4, 2014 — only to be replaced by a provision requiring students to "review, in an objective manner, the scientific strengths and weaknesses of existing scientific theories…
A sponsor of Ohio's House Bill 597 — which if enacted would require the state's science standards to "prohibit political or religious interpretation of scientific facts in favor of another" — is giving mixed signals about his intentions. Andy Thompson (R-District 95) told the Cincinnati Enquirer…
"Count on a serious court battle if a few state legislators have their way and Intelligent Design and other religious interpretations of science are allowed to be taught in public schools," warns the Cleveland Plain Dealer (August 22, 2014).  The topic is Ohio's House Bill 597, which if…
At its 2014 meeting held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists adopted a resolution encouraging the state of Tennessee to repeal the antiscience law — nicknamed the "monkey bill" — adopted there in 2012. The resolution reads, in its entirety:…
A sponsor of Ohio's House Bill 597, which if enacted would require the state's science standards to "prohibit political or religious interpretation of scientific facts in favor of another," confirmed that local school districts would be allowed to teach creationism along with evolution and global…