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When the Texas state board of education held a hearing on September 16, 2014, on social studies textbooks submitted for state adoption, the treatment of climate science was among the topics. Charles Jackson, a research scientist at the University of Texas's Institute for Geophysics, criticized "…
The Texas state board of education will adopt new social studies textbooks in November, 2014. The decisions they make will affect Texas classrooms for years to come, and are likely to change how textbooks are written for use in other states as well. In geography and economics classes, some…
"An examination of how proposed social studies textbooks for Texas public schools address climate change reveals distortions and bias that misrepresent the broad scientific consensus on the phenomenon," charged the Texas Freedom Network and the National Center for Science Education in a joint…
One textbook absurdly portrays advocacy group as a science authority An examination of how proposed social studies textbooks for Texas public schools address climate change reveals distortions and bias that misrepresent the broad scientific consensus on the phenomenon. Climate education…
Ohio's House Bill 597 is still a threat to the integrity of science education in the Buckeye State, NCSE's Glenn Branch told Ohio Public Radio (September 8, 2014).  As NCSE previously reported, a provision requiring the state's science standards to "prohibit political or religious…