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Wyoming's House Bill 23 (PDF), introduced on December 23, 2014, would, if enacted, repeal the footnote in the law establishing the state budget for 2014-2016 that precludes the use of state funds "for any review or adoption" of the Next Generation Science Standards. As NCSE previously reported,…
Michigan's House Bill 4972, which would, if enacted, have required that Michigan's "model core academic curriculum standards shall not be based on the Next Generation Science Standards," died in the House Committee on Education when the legislature adjourned on December 19, 2014.…
Texas State Board of Education must still vote on adopting the revised textbooks CONTACTS: Robert Luhn, NCSE, 510/601-7203 Dan Quinn, TFN, 512/322-0545 Lisa Hoyos, Climate Parents, 510/282-0440 Publishers have agreed to correct or remove inaccurate passages promoting climate change denialism from…
Ohio's House Bill 597 — which if enacted would require students in the state's public schools to "review, in an objective manner, the scientific strengths and weaknesses of existing scientific theories in the [state science] standards" — died in the legislature, according to the Cleveland…
A bill to allow the Wyoming state board of education to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards will be introduced in the legislature, according to the Billings Gazette (December 15, 2014). John Patton (R-District 29) told the newspaper, "What the bill does is pretty straight forward and…