NCSE's 40th Anniversary
Forty years ago, NCSE was created to ensure the integrity of the public science classroom. Today, our mission couldn't be more important.
Forty years ago, NCSE was created to ensure the integrity of the public science classroom. Today, our mission couldn't be more important.
Never have so many owed so much to so few. Scientists, educators, and students across the U.S. owe an enormous thanks to NCSE’s forty-year-long quest to advance the teaching of science, and to defend it against those who would undermine it. Today, NCSE’s mission and work are perhaps more important than ever to counter the growing epidemic of misinformation. HHMI congratulates NCSE on this impressive milestone, and is proud to continue to support its vital work.
AAAS celebrates the National Center for Science Education for reaching this importance milestone in its history. We applaud NCSE’s mission and work to advocate for quality science education. As a trusted partner and advisor, NCSE has complemented our efforts to engage scientists to approach conversations at the intersection of science, faith, and society with the utmost care and consideration. NCSE should be proud of its legacy of awakening the educational community to advocate for the proper use of science in the classroom. We look forward to our continued partnership for many years to come.
From the evolution wars in the 1980s to the climate change challenges of the 1990s and 2000s, to the current flood of "fake news" and disinformation, NCSE has been advocating for teachers and protecting scientific integrity in our classrooms. NCSE and NABT have worked closely together for the last 40 years, and although I am the latest NABT Director who relies on NCSE, I most certainly will not be the last. On behalf of the National Association of Biology Teachers, we thank NCSE for supporting life science teachers and their students, and congratulate you on 40 years of defending accurate and effective science education.