Science Is Constantly Evolving

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It’s pretty much all evolution, all the time, this week. Pokémon, humans, creationists, even our understanding of the past—everything evolves. Darwinian Natural Selection is at Work in “Pokémon Sun” and “Moon,” Inverse, August 1, 2016 — Right on the heels of Stephanie Keep’s blog about…
NCSE's Josh Rosenau contributed a column, under the headline "School field trips to creationist Ark? Sink that idea right now," to New Scientist (August 5, 2016). Describing the landlocked Ark Encounter as "a hard-core creationist extravaganza replete with pseudoscience," Rosenau…
Let me begin by saying that while I’m not a Luddite, I’m also not a technology whiz. I’m one of those less-than-cool people who still use Facebook, have no idea what WhatsApp is, and don’t know which expresses approval—swiping left or swiping right. I recently asked my way-cooler-than-me au…
According to the latest National Surveys on Energy Environment, a twice-yearly survey conducted by the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College, "Just 15% of Americans say that there is no solid evidence that the Earth is warming, down from 24% a year ago, and the lowest in the NSEE's history…
What a joy is William A. Williams’s The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved (1925)! Previously, I’ve discussed its use of a quotation from “Dr. Traas, a famous paleontologist” who supposedly said that the idea that humans descended from any simian species was “certainly the most…
In my previous installment in this series on NCSE’s first evolution summer camp, I described working with creationist campers. If you are just tuning in, yes, NCSE ran a summer camp on evolution!  And yes, we had creationist campers! After an open conflict, which group leaders responded to…
I’ve been writing lately about our first ever NCSE evolution camp. Yes, NCSE is actually running a camp. So far I’ve told you about challenges we faced from creationist campers, and how the friendly, respectful, and open culture we promoted around discussion in our camp helped kids talk about…
"One in seven Americans think it is definitely (7%) or probably (9%) true that 'God controls the climate, therefore people can't be causing global warming," according to a July 26, 2016, note from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Only half (59%) of the respondents regarded it as…
Mostly evolution this week, except for one excellent piece on "what about that 3% of climate scientists who reject the consensus?" Could they be on to something? Well, spoiler alert, not so much. Start with Pokémon, work your way through Noah's Ark and wolves, and end with an update on that amazing…